We are happy to introduce you our simple application for studying new words and learning any languages. In processing installation, you should select your native language and studying language. After installing, the application will create databases with the most popular words for selected languages and active database for your own studying words, which you will able to add by yourself - for that you should select in menu “Active database” and tap on button “add new card” with the plus (+) sign. Write in first field new word on your native language and in second field the translation. Tap on "create new card” button and your first language card will be created. After adding a list of cards, you can tap on any of them and learn words with very popular learning technique called "flash cards" or "flip cards". You can swipe all cards from left to right and turn on translation side. If you have learned a word - tap on button "Studied" and that word will moved in the "Studied" database or you can just delete it with tapping button “delete” in toolbar. If you have some problem, issue or recommendation with the application - please tap on button “contact us” in menu and sent feedback to us. We hope to help you with studying any language. Thanks for your attention and good luck. Don't lose your time - learn new words.